The most important function defined in this module is notebook2html
, so you may want to jump to it before scrolling though the rest, which explain the details behind the scenes of the conversion from notebooks to the html documentation. The main things to remember are:
- put
at the top of any cell you want to completely hide in the docs - use the hide input jupyter extension to hide the input of some cells (by default all
cells have that marker added) - you can define some jekyll metadata in the markdown cell with the title, see
- use backticks for terms you want automatic links to be found, but use
when you have homonyms and don't want those links - you can define the default toc level of classes with
followed by a number (default is 2) - you can add jekyll warnings, important or note banners with appropriate block quotes (see
) - put any images you want to use in the images folder of your notebook folder, they will be automatically copied over to the docs folder
- put
at the top of a cell if you don't want code to be shown in the docs- cells containing
have their code hidden automatically
- cells containing
- put
at the top of a cell if you don't want output to be shown in the docs - use
to include code or output in the docs under a collapsable element
h = HTMLParseAttrs()
t = h('<img src="src" alt="alt" width="700" caption="cap" />')
test_eq(t['width'], '700')
test_eq(t['src' ], 'src')
t['width'] = '600'
test_eq(, '<img src="src" alt="alt" width="600" caption="cap" />')
The following functions are applied on individual cells as a preprocessing step before the conversion to html.
Those outputs usually can't be rendered properly in html.
This concerns all the cells with #export
or #hide_input
flags and all the cells containing a show_doc
for a function or class.
for source in ['show_doc(read_nb)', '# export\nfrom local.core import *', '# hide_input\n2+2',
'line1\n show_doc (read_nb) \nline3', '# export with.mod\nfrom local.core import *']:
cell = {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': source}
cell1 = hide_cells(cell.copy())
assert 'metadata' in cell1
assert 'hide_input' in cell1['metadata']
assert cell1['metadata']['hide_input']
flag = '# exports'
cell = {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': f'{flag}\nfrom local.core2 import *'}
test_eq(hide_cells(cell.copy()), cell)
This concerns all the cells with #hide_output
for source in ['# hide-output\nfrom local.core import *', '# hide_output\n2+2']:
cell = {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': source}
cell1 = hide_cells(cell.copy())
assert 'metadata' in cell1
assert 'hide_output' in cell1['metadata']
assert cell1['metadata']['hide_output']
cell = {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': '# hide-outputs\nfrom local.core import *'}
test_eq(hide_cells(cell.copy()), cell)
The rest of the cell is displayed without any modification.
flag = '# exports'
cell = {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': f'{flag}\nfrom local.core import *'}
test_eq(clean_exports(cell.copy()), {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': 'from local.core import *'})
cell['cell_type'] = 'markdown'
test_eq(clean_exports(cell.copy()), cell)
cell = {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': f'{flag} core\nfrom local.core import *'}
test_eq(clean_exports(cell.copy()), {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': 'from local.core import *'})
cell = {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': f'# comment \n# exports\nprint("something")'}
test_eq(clean_exports(cell.copy()), {'cell_type': 'code', 'source': '# exports\nprint("something")'})
cell = {'cell_type': 'markdown', 'source': 'This is a `DocsTestClass`'}
# test_eq(treat_backticks(cell), {'cell_type': 'markdown',
# 'source': 'This is a [`DocsTestClass`](/export.html#DocsTestClass)'})
Supported styles are Warning
, Note
and Important
Typing > Warning: There will be no second warning!
will render in the docs:
> Important: Pay attention! It's important.
will render in the docs:
> Tip: This is my tip.
will render in the docs:
> Note: Take note of this.
will render in the docs:
> Note: A doc link to [`add_jekyll_notes`](/export2html.html#add_jekyll_notes) should also work fine.
will render in the docs:
should also work'')
test_eq(m.groups(), ('', None))
# using ) or whitespace to close the group means we don't need a special case for captions'")')
test_eq(m.groups(), (')
This is to ensure that all images defined in nbs_folder/images
and used in notebooks are copied over to doc_folder/images
dest_img = get_config().path("doc_path")/'images'/'logo.png'
cell = {'cell_type': 'markdown', 'source':'Text\n'}
copy_images(cell, Path('01_export.ipynb'), get_config().path("doc_path"))
test_eq(cell["source"], 'Text\n')
#Image has been copied
assert dest_img.exists()
cell = {'cell_type': 'markdown', 'source':'Text\n")'}
copy_images(cell, Path('01_export.ipynb'), get_config().path("doc_path"))
test_eq(cell["source"], 'Text\n")')
finally: dest_img.unlink()
This function is slightly different as it ensures that a notebook convert to a file that will be placed in dest
will have the images location updated. It is used for the
file (generated automatically from the index) since the images are copied inside the github repo, but in general, you should make sure your images are going to be accessible from the location your file ends up being.
cell = {'cell_type': 'markdown', 'source': str(Path('Text\n'))}
cell1 = adapt_img_path(cell, Path('01_export.ipynb'), Path('.').absolute().parent)
test_eq(cell1['source'], str(Path('Text\n')))
cell = {'cell_type': 'markdown', 'source': 'Text\n'}
cell1 = adapt_img_path(cell, Path('01_export.ipynb'), Path('.').absolute().parent)
test_eq(cell1['source'], 'Text\n')
Escape Latex in liquid
cell = {'cell_type': 'markdown',
'source': 'lala\n$$equation$$\nlala'}
cell = escape_latex(cell)
test_eq(cell['source'], 'lala\n{% raw %}\n$$equation$$\n{% endraw %}\nlala')
- Placing
in a code cell will include your code under a collapsable element that is open by default.
print('This code cell is not collapsed by default but you can collapse it to hide it from view!')
print("Note that the output always shows with `%collapse`.")
- Placing
in a code cell will include your code in a collapsable element that is closed by default. For example:
print('The code cell that produced this output is collapsed by default but you can expand it!')
- Placing
in a code cell will hide the output under a collapsable element that is closed by default.
print('The input of this cell is visible as usual.\nHowever, the OUTPUT of this cell is collapsed by default but you can expand it!')
The following functions are applied to the entire list of cells of the notebook as a preprocessing step before the conversion to html.
cells = [{'cell_type': 'code', 'source': source, 'hide': hide} for hide, source in [
(False, '# export\nfrom local.core import *'),
(False, '# exporti mod file'), # Note: this used to get removed but we're more strict now
(True, '# hide\nfrom local.core import *'),
(False, '# hide_input\nfrom local.core import *'),
(False, '#exports\nsuper code'),
(True, '#default_exp notebook.export'),
(False, 'show_doc(read_nb)'),
(False, '#hide (last test of to_concat)'),
(True, '# exporti\n1 + 1')]] + [
{'cell_type': 'markdown', 'source': source, 'hide': hide} for hide, source in [
(False, '#hide_input\nnice'),
(True, '#hide\n\nto hide')]]
for a,b in zip([cell for cell in cells if not cell['hide']], remove_hidden(cells)):
tst_nb = read_nb('00_export.ipynb')
test_eq(find_default_level(tst_nb['cells']), 3)
for i,cell in enumerate(tst_nb['cells']):
if cell['source'].startswith('#|export\ndef read_nb'): break
tst_cells = [c.copy() for c in tst_nb['cells'][i-1:i+1]]
added_cells = add_show_docs(tst_cells, cls_lvl=3)
test_eq(len(added_cells), 3)
test_eq(added_cells[0], tst_nb['cells'][i-1])
test_eq(added_cells[2], tst_nb['cells'][i])
test_eq(added_cells[1], _show_doc_cell('read_nb', cls_lvl=3))
test_eq(added_cells[1]['source'], 'show_doc(read_nb, default_cls_level=3, show_all_docments=False)')
for flag in ['#export', '#exports']:
for show_doc_source in [
('show_doc(my_func)', 'show_doc(my_func, title_level=3)')]:
#Check show_doc isn't added if it was already there.
tst_cells1 = [{'cell_type':'code', 'source': f'{flag}\ndef my_func(x):\n return x'},
{'cell_type':'code', 'source': show_doc_source[0]}]
test_eq(add_show_docs(tst_cells1), tst_cells1)
#Check show_doc is added
test_eq(len(add_show_docs(tst_cells1[:-1])), len(tst_cells1))
tst_cells1 = [{'cell_type':'code', 'source': f'{flag} with.mod\ndef my_func(x):\n return x'},
{'cell_type':'markdown', 'source': 'Some text'},
{'cell_type':'code', 'source': show_doc_source[1]}]
test_eq(add_show_docs(tst_cells1), tst_cells1)
#Check show_doc is added when using mod export
test_eq(len(add_show_docs(tst_cells1[:-1])), len(tst_cells1))
You can fake headers in your notebook to navigate them more easily with collapsible headers, just make them finish with a dash and they will be removed. One typical use case is to have a header of level 2 with the name of a class, since the show_doc
cell of that class will create the same anchor, you need to have the one you created manually disappear to avoid any duplicate.
cells = [{'cell_type': 'markdown',
'metadata': {},
'source': '### Fake-'}] + tst_nb['cells'][:10]
cells1 = remove_fake_headers(cells)
test_eq(len(cells1), len(cells)-1)
test_eq(cells1[0], cells[1])
In the markdown cell with the title, you can add the summary as a block quote (just put an empty block quote for an empty summary) and a list with any additional metadata you would like to add, for instance:
# Title
> Awesome summary
- toc:False
The toc: False metadata will prevent the table of contents from showing on the page.
tst_nb = read_nb('00_export.ipynb')
test_eq(get_metadata(tst_nb['cells']), {
'keywords': 'fastai',
'summary': 'The functions that transform notebooks in a library',
'title': 'Export to modules'})
#The cell with the metada is popped out, so if we do it a second time we get the default.
test_eq(get_metadata(tst_nb['cells']), {'keywords': 'fastai', 'title' : 'Title'})
Cells containing:
- a zero indented call to
are not run while building docs. This avoids failures caused by importing empty or partially built modules.
Cells containing:
(which could be indented) or- a "library import" (zero indent import from current library) e.g.
from LIB_NAME.core import *
are executed and must run without error. If running these cells raises an exception, the build will stop.
Cells containing zero indented imports. e.g.
from module import *
orimport module
are executed but errors will not stop the build.
If you need to show_doc
something, please make sure it's imported via a cell that does not depend on previous cells being run. The easiest way to do this is to use a cell that contains nothing but imports.
jupyter_latex_envs is a jupyter extension
You can find relevant section here
Note, that nbdev now only supports [<a class="latex_cit" id="call-" href="#cit-"></a>]
conversion and not the rest, e.g., \figure{}
and so on.
It's important to execute all show_doc
cells before exporting the notebook to html because some of them have just been added automatically or others could have outdated links.
fake_nb = {k:v for k,v in tst_nb.items() if k != 'cells'}
fake_nb['cells'] = [tst_nb['cells'][0].copy()] + added_cells
fake_nb = execute_nb(fake_nb, mod='export')
assert len(fake_nb['cells'][-2]['outputs']) > 0
The following functions automatically adds jekyll templates if they are missing.
__file__ = str(get_config().path("lib_path")/'')
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
notebook2html('01_sync.ipynb', dest='.', n_workers=0);
Hide cells starting with #export
and only leaves the prose and the tests. If fname
is not specified, this will convert all notebooks not beginning with an underscore in the nb_folder
defined in setting.ini
. Otherwise fname
can be a single filename or a glob expression.
By default, only the notebooks that are more recent than their html counterparts are modified, pass force_all=True
to change that behavior.
This is used to convert the index into the
t = ''
test_eq(_re_att_ref.match(t).groups(), ('screenshot', None))
t = ''
test_eq(_re_att_ref.match(t).groups(), ('screenshot', "Deploying to Binder"))
The default sidebar lists all html pages with their respective title, except the index that is named "Overview". To build a custom sidebar, set the flag custom_sidebar
in your settings.ini
to True
then change the sidebar.json
file in the doc_folder
to your liking. Otherwise, the sidebar is updated at each doc build.